✰The not so awesome about me✰
◭Basic infoz◭
〄Byi, dni, & absolutely int〄
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◭basic infoz◭

➸Names: Zain, Martín, Clouds.
➸Nicknames: Preston, Dice, Toby, Tobias, Sun, Sunny, Moon.
➸Age: 14.
➸hight: 5"8.
➸Gender: Enboy.
➸Pronouns: He/They + Neos.
➸Neo pronouns: Dice/Sun/Moon.
➸Xenogenders: Dicegender, Lpsgender.
➸Sexuality: Demi-Bisexual ambiamorous.
➸Relationship status: Taken by two 💙.
➸eye color: Grey.
➸Favorite color: Green.
➸medical stuff ig?: Tourettes, did, Adhd, o.d.d, Anxiety, Bipolar, insamnia, depression, comprehension problemz, slight anorexia, ptsd, schizophrenia.
➸people I am a irl of: Preston Goodplay, King Dice, Ticci Toby Sundrop, Moondrop, Fresh!Sans, & Nutty!.
➸extra: Iz a furry.
➸Typing quirk: extra Z's
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〄Byi, dni, & absolutely int〄

➳I call everyone broskie! Idk why I just do!.
➳i struggle to feel emotions properly! So if I misinterpret what you mean I'm sorry in advance!.
➳i have dyslexia so i have to read something at least two times before I completely understand, so if I take long to reply that's why!.
➳I have tourettes so if I randomly stop typing or conversatinge I'm probably having a tourettes attack. I'll be fine in a bit!!!.
➳again with the tourettes, I sometimes on calls/in irl conversationz i accidentally say offensive thingz, please be patient with me (if not that's fine to) I will apologize (I'm working on it TvT)
Offensive as in: cussing, and and saying "cease".
➳I apologize a lot.
➳im a irl of Preston Goodplay, King Dice, Ticci Toby, Sundrop, Fresh!Sans, & Nutty! Nu I don't think I'm them, I AM them!.
➳I have a dark sense of humor! If it bothers you lemme know so I know not to do it again!.
➳when talking my lower jaw tends to twitch randomly causing my voice to skip (vocal tic).
➳i have adhd so I tend to accidentally blab a lot, if I start talking to much and it's annoying you, just tell me to shut up!.
➳when telling me to shut up you will have to tell me I can talk when you want me to talk again! (Bad life experience's 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜).
➳Im a bit of a booze drinker so :p.
➳Literally the most suicidal mf you will ever meet (Yes I'm going to therapy for it).
❍if your a.
❍Preston, King Dice, Ticci Toby, Sundrop, Moondrop, or Nutty fangirl/fanboy (it's kinda awkward. And Id rather not interact with you sorry).
❍person that ships Sun and moon (it's very awkward and weird).
❍ships Nutty and Flippy/Fliqpy (Seriously Nutty is ligit a minor and Flippy/Fliqpy is a adult, if you're a Nutty irl and are dating a Flippy/Fliqpy irl or vise versa that's different).
❍person that ships Preston and Nerf (seriously please don't interact with me).
❍ pedophile, Zoophile, Necrophile, or take part in incest (it's bad enough you peeps
❍if your homophobic, transphobic, or racist..
❍You hate furries (seriously just leave me alone and let be who I wanna be).
❣Absolutely INT❣❧if you're a fellow Cuphead, Camp Camp, Fnaf, Creepypasta, or Happy tree friends irl.
❧Love old video games (seriously I love old shmit).
❧Don't mind idiots with tourettes and mental trauma!
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✧Quick links to socialz✧

♢Twitter♢Reddit♢Instagram: goodplaypreston243*♢Twitch: gay doodle noodle♢pronouns page♢Art commission info♢fandom info*
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